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Orlando Buch, An Attorney I hired and Glad I Did!

Posted by sonyakeller on July 22, 2011

Posted by sonyakeller on July 21, 2011

Usually you hear about the negative aspects or experiences of hiring an attorney. However, I’m here to write about my positive experience of hiring an attorney who actually showed some humanity. I know this is something rare since we usually think of  lawyers as being sharks, ambulance chasers with a degree, usually depicted as unsavory characters in expensive suits that you would not ever want to come across. This was pretty much how I felt until I hired Orlando Buch.  I first met Mr. Buch when I was lawyer hunting, I recently became separated from my husband in 2009. The stress of  affording an attorney was becoming frightful since my then husband had wiped out our checking, savings account and left  me high and dry, dealing with a high mortgage, car payments and a very bruised ego.When I  first met Mr. Buch, I wasn’t sure if he was the lawyer for me. He had a kind demeanor, I needed someone who could get results and get it quick, a barracuda. Even though Mr. Buch is a gray-haired middle-aged man, he had a boyish altar boy quality about him. I’m happy to say do not judge this lawyer by first impressions. With Mr. Buch’s tenacious approach he was able to bring me justice. First giving me custody of my children which was of the utmost importance to me and secondly, appealing to the court which resulted in me receiving child support and spousal support and attorney fees paid in full.  My now X-husband has expressed many regrets and wants to give it another try. I can’t believe I put up for so long with the mental and physical abuse of this man. I’m writing this because so many women today are reluctant to follow through, I think women are worriers by nature and want their marriage to work but this was one marriage I could not endure any longer. Mr. Buch fought for my dignity as a mother and a wife that had been used and abused for too long. Thank you Orlando Buch for giving me back my dignity, you are one hell of a lawyer! If you ever need a dependable and thorough attorney and live in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, consider Orlando Buch.

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One Response to “Orlando Buch, An Attorney I hired and Glad I Did!”

  1. […] Posted by sonyakeller on July 21, 2011 Usually you hear about the negative aspects or experiences of hiring an attorney. However, I’m here to write about my positive experience of hiring an attorney who actually showed some humanity. I know this is something rare since we usually think of  lawyers as being sharks, ambulance chasers with a degree, usually depicted as unsavory characters in expensive suits that you would not ever want to come acros … Read More […]

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