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Orlando Buch, An Attorney I hired and Glad I Did! (via sonyakeller)

Posted by sonyakeller on July 23, 2011

Mr. Buch practices various aspects of law. His area of expertise is marital law, criminal law, immigration and personal injury. His office is located on 1975 East Sunrise Blvd. Mr. Buch came to this country in the early sixties, His grand-father was Adolfo Nieto, a Supreme Court Justice in Cuba who was instrumental in putting Fidel Castro in jail before he succeeded in over throwing the Cuban government. Mr. Buch has lived in this country for over forty years, looking at him with his green eyes and fair skin I never imagined him to be Cuban. Pardon my ignorance. He informed me that his family came to this country with just the clothes on their back.

Posted by sonyakeller on July 21, 2011 Usually you hear about the negative aspects or experiences of hiring an attorney. However, I’m here to write about my positive experience of hiring an attorney who actually showed some humanity. I know this is something rare since we usually think of  lawyers as being sharks, ambulance chasers with a degree, usually depicted as unsavory characters in expensive suits that you would not ever want to come acros … Read More

via sonyakeller

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